Communications and Content Creation for Not-For-Profit Historical Organizations

Communications and Content Creation for Not-For-Profit Historical Organizations

When: Thursday, December 13, 2018 12:00 p.m. Cost:  $10 OHS Members $20 Non-members Host: Paul Morralee, Canadian Lighthouses of Lake Superior Paul Morralee has utilized his background in communications and video production to bring the work of (OHS Affiliate) Canadian Lighthouses of Lake Superior (CLLS) to a large audience. In this webinar, Paul will take...

December 13, 2018November 16, 2020by

Technology Planning for Heritage Organizations

Click here to download a PDF copy of the webinar slides. Click here to download a PDF copy of the resources provided to webinar participants. “Technology Planning for Heritage Organizations: Lessons Learned and Resources from the OHS Reach Project” Summary: In an increasingly digital heritage community, how comfortable is your organization with tackling technology? Over...


Ontario Archaeology 101

Click here to download a PDF copy of the webinar slides. “Ontario Archaeology 101” Summary: Presented in partnership with The Ontario Archaeological Society. Join Paul Racher for an overview of the often-overlooked but fascinating archaeology of southern Ontario, including a discussion of the role archaeology can play as Canada moves to renew its relationship with...


Strategic Planning

Click here to download a PDF copy of the webinar slides. “The Secrets to Strategic Success: Strategic Planning for Small Organizations” Summary: “Strategic Planning” can sound daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. A sound plan is essential to defining and meeting your organization’s goals; attracting funding; and ensuring that your board, members, partners, and...


Project Management for Digitization Programs (3 Parts)

Download the slides for Part One here. Download the slides for Part Two here. Download the slides for Part Three here. Summary: Are you thinking of digitizing your local history collection? Not sure where to start? Join Loren Fantin and Jess Posgate of OurDigitalWorld to talk about how to approach digitization projects of all sizes...


Heritage Trees: Preserving our Natural Roots

Summary: Edith George has been presenting her popular talk, “Heritage Trees: Preserving our Natural Roots” across the province since January 18, 2010, and is now teaming up with the Ontario Historical Society to share it online as part of the Strengthening Ontario’s Heritage Webinar Series. Join Edith and the OHS to learn about the history...


Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage

Click here to download a PDF copy of the slides for this webinar. Summary: The Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage Program was created by the Department of Canadian Heritage to celebrate communities, their past and presents. The Program increases opportunities, through festivals and other events and projects, for local artists and artisans to be...


Ontario Heritage Act Part V Designations

Click here to download a PDF copy of the slides for this webinar. Summary: In partnership with The Ontario Historical Society, Community Heritage Ontario offered three webinars to assist with the training of new members of municipal heritage committees throughout Ontario. Speaker Wayne Morgan is an independent heritage planning consultant, and a Registered Professional Planner...


Ontario Heritage Act Part IV Designations

Click here to download a PDF copy of the slides for this webinar. Summary: In partnership with The Ontario Historical Society, Community Heritage Ontario offered three webinars to assist with the training of new members of municipal heritage committees throughout Ontario. Speaker Wayne Morgan is an independent heritage planning consultant, and a Registered Professional Planner...


The Role of Municipal Heritage Committees

Click here to download a PDF copy of the slides for this webinar. Summary: In partnership with The Ontario Historical Society, Community Heritage Ontario offered three webinars to assist with the training of new members of municipal heritage committees throughout Ontario. Speaker Wayne Morgan is an independent heritage planning consultant, and a Registered Professional Planner...


Financial Management for Heritage Organizations

Summary: Banish your bookkeeping blues with this ideas-packed, user-friendly webinar on finance for heritage organizations led by accounting advisor Heather Young, designed as a “DIY” guide for non-accountants. You’ll learn how to structure an effective budgeting and reporting system complete with simple, effective policies and controls – and how to organize yourself to produce government...


Access… Beyond the Ramp

Click here to download a PDF copy of the slides for this webinar. Click here to download a PDF copy of the resources distributed with this webinar. Click here to download an MSWord copy of the resources distributed with this webinar. Summary: Led by John Rae, this webinar will focus on how Ontario’s heritage community...


Learning & Teaching Black History in Ontario

Summary: This webinar explored the Underground Railroad, Ontario’s shining chapter in Black history. Led by Dr. Bryan E. Walls, C.M., O.Ont., and Mrs. Brittany Miles, M.Ed., of the John Freeman Walls Historic Site and Underground Railroad Museum, this session focused on this first great freedom movement in the Americas – when good people of different...


History Educators II

Click here to download a PDF copy of the slides from this webinar. Click here to download a PDF copy of the resources provided with this webinar. Teaching History at the Secondary Level Using the New Ontario Curriculum Summary: The Ontario Historical Society’s sixth webinar in the Strengthening Ontario’s Heritage Network series was a follow-up...


Breathing Life Into Your Historic Site

Click here to download a PDF copy of the resources distributed with this webinar. Developing Educational Programming and Tours for your Heritage Group or Institution Summary: The Ontario Historical Society’s fifth webinar in the Strengthening Ontario’s Heritage Network series focused on how to start up educational programs at a museum or cultural heritage site. A...


Navigating Grants Ontario

Click here to download a PDF copy of the presentation slides. Click here to download a PDF copy of the supporting materials distributed for this webinar. Tips, advice, and insight on applying for cultural or heritage project funding from the Government of Ontario Summary: This session will provide advice and guidance to cultural institutions and...



Click here to download a PDF copy of the presentation slides. Click here to download a PDF copy of the supporting resources provided with this webinar. Summary: This webinar covers the basics of using online tools to target and reach your audience, including setting goals, developing an online communication strategy, and best practices for heritage...


Historical Educators

Click here to download a PDF copy of the webinar slides. Click here to download a PDF copy of the resources provided to webinar participants. “Professional Development for Teachers Using Ontario’s New History and Social Studies Curriculum” Summary: Presented in partnership with the Ontario Elementary Social Studies Teachers’ Association, this session features Jill Colyer from...


Building Stories

Summary: This webinar, featuring Kayla Jonas, trains individuals to use Building Stories, a free online tool used to raise the profile of historic properties and trails in their own region! Led by the Building Stories team, this webinar introduces the project to participants and take them through the steps of adding properties, routes and tours...