Events Calendar

Upcoming Events Across Ontario

Coptic Museum of Canada: 3-Day Coptic Iconography Workshop

St. Mark's Coptic Orthodox Church, Culture Centre Glendinning Avenue 41, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

The Coptic Museum of Canada is pleased to announce registration for an in-person art workshop COPTIC ICONOGRAPHY With ICONOGRAPHER KIROLOS KILADA. Registration deadline September 8! (or earlier, if maximum registration is reached). Class number limited! Dates & Times: Fri 15 : 7pm-10pm, Sat 16 : 10am-5pm, Sun 17: 1:30pm-5:30pm. Level : 14 years old to...

Coptic Museum of Canada: The Art of Portraiture

St. Mark's Coptic Orthodox Church, Culture Centre Glendinning Avenue 41, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

INSTRUCTOR: NATALIE TAWADROOS LEVEL: 12 years to Seniors The art of portraiture is a captivating form of art that allows artists to capture the essence and personality of their subjects. Participants will learn the techniques and principles of portrait drawing and painting. While exploring the fascinating world of Fayyoum portraits they will reproduce their impression...


Coptic Museum of Canada: The Art of Portraiture

St. Mark's Coptic Orthodox Church, Culture Centre Glendinning Avenue 41, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

INSTRUCTOR: NATALIE TAWADROOS LEVEL: 12 years to Seniors The art of portraiture is a captivating form of art that allows artists to capture the essence and personality of their subjects. Participants will learn the techniques and principles of portrait drawing and painting. While exploring the fascinating world of Fayyoum portraits they will reproduce their impression...
