Events Calendar

Upcoming Events Across Ontario

Myseum of Toronto: The Quiet Immigrant: Tavola Talk: ArtistsTALK

Joseph D. Carrier Art Gallery, The Columbus Centre 901 Lawrence Ave W., North York, Ontario, Canada

The ‘Tavola Talk’ Series represents what can also be called a Table Talk or Panel Discussion. The first of five biweekly Tavola Talks, ArtistsTALK is a panel discussion with 5 artists as they speak through their mediums of film, movement and drama, music, story-telling, poetry, and art. All of these artists will speak to their...

Myseum of Toronto: The Quiet Immigrant: Opening and Exhibit Launch

Joseph D. Carrier Art Gallery, The Columbus Centre 901 Lawrence Ave W., North York, Ontario, Canada

Join us for the opening of The Quiet Immigrant Project! Our Opening Day includes the full launch of our multimedia legacy exhibit and the InHERitance Art Exhibit, where attendees will have the opportunity to walk through and participate in both the exhibit and gallery. Filled with interactive and hands-on stations, you will find opportunity for...