Events Calendar

Upcoming Events Across Ontario

UEL Association of Canada – Sir Guy Carleton Branch (In-Person and Virtual): 2023 Spring Social and AGM

Ottawa City Archives 100 Tallwood Dr, Nepean, Ontario, Canada

The Sir Guy Carleton Spring Social and AGM will be held 2:00-4:00pm on Saturday, April 22, 2023. Venue: Room 115 (ground floor), Ottawa City Archives, 100 Tallwood Drive, Ottawa, ON. Free parking on site. Guest speaker: Rev. Becket Soule Topic: “Researching Loyalist Ancestors: US Records” Muster rolls, town records, land records, histories, and other records,...

UEL Association of Canada – Sir Guy Carleton Branch: Loyalist Flag Raising

Ottawa City Hall, Marion Dewar Plaza 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Sir Guy Carleton Branch of the UEL will be raising the Loyalist Flag at Ottawa City Hall, Marion Dewar Plaza . The ceremony starts at 10:00 am and runs for a half hour. There will be brief speeches by the Mayor of Ottawa and the Branch President. You are welcome to attend in period...