Events Calendar

Upcoming Events Across Ontario

Ontario Archaeological Society 2022 Symposium (In-Person & Online)

Royal Botanical Gardens 680 Plains Rd W, Burlington, Ontario, Canada

Registration for the 49th Annual OAS Symposium in Hamilton/Burlington is now open. Register Here This hybrid style symposium (both online and in-person) will include a Friday reception at McMaster Innovation Park, Hamilton, and Saturday and Sunday symposium events at the Royal Botanical Gardens, Burlington. The theme is “Archaeologies of Resilience”. Registration at the door will...

Ontario Archaeological Society 2023 Symposium

Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre 33 Victoria St N, Southampton, Ontario, Canada

Planning for the 2023 Annual Symposium of the Ontario Archaeological Society is underway and we are happy to announce that it will be hosted in Southampton! It will take place in the treaty territory of Saugeen Ojibway Nation (Chippewas of Saugeen First Nation and Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation) and near the home of...

51th Annual Symposium of the Ontario Archaeological Society

Thunder Bay Museum 425 Donald St E., Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada

We invite you to attend the 51st Annual Symposium of the Ontario Archaeological Society (OAS) from October 25 to 27, 2024! It is being hosted by the Thunder Bay Chapter of the OAS in collaboration with the Department of Anthropology, Lakehead University and OAS Board of Directors. The conference will take place on the boreal forest Traditional...