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London & Middlesex Historical Society: November 2023 Meeting

November 15, 2023 @ 7:30 pm

Annual General Meeting/Show & Tell

A brief AGM of LMHS executive members reports of 2023 activities. This is followed by attendees showing items about London and area and giving brief history about or maybe asking for help identifying the object.

The speaker programme for the London and Middlesex Historical Society takes place on the third Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm at the Old Courthouse building, 399 Ridout St. N., London.

​Notice: Limited free parking in lot behind the Courthouse, off King Street West. Entry/exit to the building is from the south (by stairs from side door). Please check the City of London website due to major road construction in the downtown area.

Remember to arrive early as someone is required to let you in and no one is on duty after the meeting starts.

Everyone is welcome to attend. Bring a friend. These monthly meetings are free to the public.


November 15, 2023
7:30 pm


Old Courthouse
Ridout Street North 399
London, Ontario N6A 2P1 Canada
+ Google Map